Study tips First year auckland biomed and health science [premed] University of Auckland NZ


First year biomed or health science (premed) program is the pathway in order to study medicine at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

To become a doctor in New Zealand, you must go to medical school either at University of Auckland or University of Otago, to attain the MBChB degree (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Medical school itself lasts 5 years, and entry into medical school requires either doing the premed program competitively or completing a bachelor's degree and entering as a post-graduate.

  In this video I explain everything about how to get into and survive premed (biomed/health science) program at the University of Auckland.

In this video I explain:

1. How to become a doctor in New Zealand

2. How to enter premed at University of Auckland

3. How to calculate points for premed

4. Common myths and preconceptions about biomed and healthsci

5. How score for medical school entry is calculated

6. The correct mindset before entering premed

7. Structure of a semester

8. What is study efficiency

9. Why study efficiency is critical

10. How much is the biomed/healthsci workload compared to high school?

11. Core paper overview

12. Typical week of university schedule

13. Long term retention study methods

14. Why confusion is healthy for learning

15. UCAT

16. MMI Interview
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