Auckland jobs factory

Auckland jobs factory


Windoli curtain factory in urgent need of curtain production and installation of more than, men and women

Jobsnz jobs 2021 wrote the post • 0 comments • 472 views • 2021-01-22 07:35 • added this tag no more than 24h

Company name: Windoli curtain factory
Location: Oakland West End
Position: 100-page curtain production and installation
Salary: New Zealand's statutory minimum wage
Nature of work: Part-time
Working hours: Full-time and part-time 8:30-5:00
E-mail: [email protected]
Windoli curtain factory in urgent need of curtain production and installation of more than, men and women unlimited, good health, serious and responsible work, punctuality, have a driver's license, can pay taxes, you can go to work. 8366222 view all

Company name: Windoli curtain factory
Location: Oakland West End
Position: 100-page curtain production and installation
Salary: New Zealand's statutory minimum wage
Nature of work: Part-time
Working hours: Full-time and part-time 8:30-5:00
E-mail: [email protected]
Windoli curtain factory in urgent need of curtain production and installation of more than, men and women unlimited, good health, serious and responsible work, punctuality, have a driver's license, can pay taxes, you can go to work. 8366222

Windoli curtain factory in urgent need of curtain production and installation of more than, men and women

Jobsnz jobs 2021 wrote the post • 0 comments • 472 views • 2021-01-22 07:35 • added this tag no more than 24h

Company name: Windoli curtain factory
Location: Oakland West End
Position: 100-page curtain production and installation
Salary: New Zealand's statutory minimum wage
Nature of work: Part-time
Working hours: Full-time and part-time 8:30-5:00
E-mail: [email protected]
Windoli curtain factory in urgent need of curtain production and installation of more than, men and women unlimited, good health, serious and responsible work, punctuality, have a driver's license, can pay taxes, you can go to work. 8366222 view all

Company name: Windoli curtain factory
Location: Oakland West End
Position: 100-page curtain production and installation
Salary: New Zealand's statutory minimum wage
Nature of work: Part-time
Working hours: Full-time and part-time 8:30-5:00
E-mail: [email protected]
Windoli curtain factory in urgent need of curtain production and installation of more than, men and women unlimited, good health, serious and responsible work, punctuality, have a driver's license, can pay taxes, you can go to work. 8366222