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kiwikiwifly marketplace supports 26 New Currencies!

OthersKiwikiwifly Service Team wrote the post • 0 comments • 502 views • 2020-10-27 02:48 • added this tag no more than 24h

Dear customers,

kiwikiwifly is committed to making the crypto world more accessible to advanced and beginner buyers around the globe. Today, we have rolled out an update that brings us a big step closer to that goal.

We are thrilled to announce that kiwikiwifly has added 26 more currencies for credit card purchases, including the most requested: Australia dollars, New Zealand dollars, Canadian dollars, Singapore dollars, Norwegian króna, Korean won and many more!

We hope that our consistent improvements continue to brighten your experience of  buying and selling crypto with Paybis!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to submit a ticket to our service team or via live chat.

Stay tuned for more good news!

kiwikiwifly view all
Dear customers,

kiwikiwifly is committed to making the crypto world more accessible to advanced and beginner buyers around the globe. Today, we have rolled out an update that brings us a big step closer to that goal.

We are thrilled to announce that kiwikiwifly has added 26 more currencies for credit card purchases, including the most requested: Australia dollars, New Zealand dollars, Canadian dollars, Singapore dollars, Norwegian króna, Korean won and many more!

We hope that our consistent improvements continue to brighten your experience of  buying and selling crypto with Paybis!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to submit a ticket to our service team or via live chat.

Stay tuned for more good news!


kiwikiwifly marketplace supports 26 New Currencies!

OthersKiwikiwifly Service Team wrote the post • 0 comments • 502 views • 2020-10-27 02:48 • added this tag no more than 24h

Dear customers,

kiwikiwifly is committed to making the crypto world more accessible to advanced and beginner buyers around the globe. Today, we have rolled out an update that brings us a big step closer to that goal.

We are thrilled to announce that kiwikiwifly has added 26 more currencies for credit card purchases, including the most requested: Australia dollars, New Zealand dollars, Canadian dollars, Singapore dollars, Norwegian króna, Korean won and many more!

We hope that our consistent improvements continue to brighten your experience of  buying and selling crypto with Paybis!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to submit a ticket to our service team or via live chat.

Stay tuned for more good news!

kiwikiwifly view all
Dear customers,

kiwikiwifly is committed to making the crypto world more accessible to advanced and beginner buyers around the globe. Today, we have rolled out an update that brings us a big step closer to that goal.

We are thrilled to announce that kiwikiwifly has added 26 more currencies for credit card purchases, including the most requested: Australia dollars, New Zealand dollars, Canadian dollars, Singapore dollars, Norwegian króna, Korean won and many more!

We hope that our consistent improvements continue to brighten your experience of  buying and selling crypto with Paybis!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to submit a ticket to our service team or via live chat.

Stay tuned for more good news!
