programmers in NZ

programmers in NZ



JobsTrustpower wrote the post • 0 comments • 604 views • 2019-08-03 02:06 • added this tag no more than 24h

100% New Zealand owned and operated with an IT team adopting leading edge technologies in the Cloud platform.  As an organisation we value a creative way of working which promotes flexibility, and enables collaboration between individuals and teams.
The Role
 An opportunity has opened up within the Provisioning and Assure Agile team.  We are looking for an established Senior Developer who will work in a dedicated agile team.  You will join a team with a focus on helping our staff ensure they have the right tools to provide an amazing customer experience.  The focus will be application development, integration, maintenance and support as part of the delivery team.
* Designing, developing, enhancing and implementing database and application (software) solutions, including application programs and interfaces
* Coach and mentor junior developers
* Providing technical support for solutions delivered
* Adhering to REST principles when implementing integration solutions
* Engage with the wider team to ensure solution meets the desired business needs
Skills & Experience
* Experience in .net framework and .net core
* Experience in Cloud platform technologies, preferably Microsoft Azure
* Experience with architectural patterns of APIs
* Knowledge of SSIS packages
* Can build effective relationships and can deal with ambiguity comfortably
* Familiarity with DevOps
* Experience in fast-paced and complex integration environments
What's on Offer?
 There is always something in the pipeline and you will join a passionate team who have a genuine customer focus.  If you are interested in professional development, and being part of a collaborative, innovative and fun environment then this is the role for you!  We invite you to review the position description and apply today!
Applications close Sunday 11 August 2019.
If you have any questions please contact Anton Badenhorst on 021 241 3376 or [email protected].

  view all
100% New Zealand owned and operated with an IT team adopting leading edge technologies in the Cloud platform.  As an organisation we value a creative way of working which promotes flexibility, and enables collaboration between individuals and teams.
The Role
 An opportunity has opened up within the Provisioning and Assure Agile team.  We are looking for an established Senior Developer who will work in a dedicated agile team.  You will join a team with a focus on helping our staff ensure they have the right tools to provide an amazing customer experience.  The focus will be application development, integration, maintenance and support as part of the delivery team.
* Designing, developing, enhancing and implementing database and application (software) solutions, including application programs and interfaces
* Coach and mentor junior developers
* Providing technical support for solutions delivered
* Adhering to REST principles when implementing integration solutions
* Engage with the wider team to ensure solution meets the desired business needs
Skills & Experience
* Experience in .net framework and .net core
* Experience in Cloud platform technologies, preferably Microsoft Azure
* Experience with architectural patterns of APIs
* Knowledge of SSIS packages
* Can build effective relationships and can deal with ambiguity comfortably
* Familiarity with DevOps
* Experience in fast-paced and complex integration environments
What's on Offer?
 There is always something in the pipeline and you will join a passionate team who have a genuine customer focus.  If you are interested in professional development, and being part of a collaborative, innovative and fun environment then this is the role for you!  We invite you to review the position description and apply today!
Applications close Sunday 11 August 2019.
If you have any questions please contact Anton Badenhorst on 021 241 3376 or [email protected].


As developers in Auckland ,New Zealand, what’s your working daily life like?

QuestionsAnonymous replied • 4 users followed • 3 replies • 959 views • 2019-06-12 08:40 • added this tag no more than 24h


How to force your website from http to https

ExperienceAFL wrote the post • 1 comments • 707 views • 2019-05-26 23:19 • added this tag no more than 24h

1. apply a ssl certificate from
2. upload crt and key files to your server under nginx/conf folder
3. stop you nginx server and restart it, and clear your website and brower cookies.
Please check my nginx.conf file
user root;
worker_processes 1;

#error_log logs/error.log;
error_log logs/error.log debug;
#error_log logs/error.log info;

pid logs/;
#error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;
#pid /var/run/nginx/;

events {
worker_connections 1024;

http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

#log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
# '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
# '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

#access_log logs/access.log main;

sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;

#keepalive_timeout 0;
keepalive_timeout 65;

client_max_body_size 8m;
client_body_buffer_size 2m;

fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
fastcgi_connect_timeout 300;
fastcgi_send_timeout 300;
fastcgi_read_timeout 300;

gzip on;

lua_shared_dict limit 50m;
lua_shared_dict guard_dict 100m;
lua_shared_dict dict_captcha 70m;
lua_package_path "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/waf/?.lua";
init_by_lua_file "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/waf/init.lua";
access_by_lua_file "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/waf/access.lua";

server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on default_server;

rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;

#charset koi8-r;

#access_log logs/host.access.log main;

location / {
root html;
index index.php index.html index.htm;


#error_page 404 /404.html;

# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;

# proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on
#location ~ \.php$ {
# proxy_pass;

# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on

location ~ \.php$ {

fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;

# deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
# concurs with nginx's one
#location ~ /\.ht {
# deny all;

# another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration
#server {
# listen 8000;
# listen somename:8080;
# server_name somename alias another.alias;

# location / {
# root html;
# index index.html index.htm;
# }

# HTTPS server

server {
listen 443 ssl http2;

charset utf-8;
ssl on;
default_type text/plain;

ssl_certificate 1_www.
ssl_certificate_key 2_www.

ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!RC4:!DHE;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm index.php;


location ~ /phpmyadmin/.+\.php$ {
if ($fastcgi_script_name ~ /phpmyadmin/(.+\.php.*)$) {
set $valid_fastcgi_script_name $1;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/$valid_fastcgi_script_name;

location ~ \.php$ {
# 设置监听端口
# 设置nginx的默认首页文件(上面已经设置过了,可以删除)
fastcgi_index index.php;
# 设置脚本文件请求的路径
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
# 引入fastcgi的配置文件
include fastcgi_params;



  view all
1. apply a ssl certificate from
2. upload crt and key files to your server under nginx/conf folder
3. stop you nginx server and restart it, and clear your website and brower cookies.
Please check my nginx.conf file
user  root;
worker_processes 1;

#error_log logs/error.log;
error_log logs/error.log debug;
#error_log logs/error.log info;

pid logs/;
#error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;
#pid /var/run/nginx/;

events {
worker_connections 1024;

http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

#log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
# '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
# '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

#access_log logs/access.log main;

sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;

#keepalive_timeout 0;
keepalive_timeout 65;

client_max_body_size 8m;
client_body_buffer_size 2m;

fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
fastcgi_connect_timeout 300;
fastcgi_send_timeout 300;
fastcgi_read_timeout 300;

gzip on;

lua_shared_dict limit 50m;
lua_shared_dict guard_dict 100m;
lua_shared_dict dict_captcha 70m;
lua_package_path "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/waf/?.lua";
init_by_lua_file "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/waf/init.lua";
access_by_lua_file "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/waf/access.lua";

server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on default_server;

rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;

#charset koi8-r;

#access_log logs/host.access.log main;

location / {
root html;
index index.php index.html index.htm;


#error_page 404 /404.html;

# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;

# proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on
#location ~ \.php$ {
# proxy_pass;

# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on

location ~ \.php$ {

fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;

# deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
# concurs with nginx's one
#location ~ /\.ht {
# deny all;

# another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration
#server {
# listen 8000;
# listen somename:8080;
# server_name somename alias another.alias;

# location / {
# root html;
# index index.html index.htm;
# }

# HTTPS server

server {
listen 443 ssl http2;

charset utf-8;
ssl on;
default_type text/plain;

ssl_certificate 1_www.
ssl_certificate_key 2_www.

ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!RC4:!DHE;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm index.php;


location ~ /phpmyadmin/.+\.php$ {
if ($fastcgi_script_name ~ /phpmyadmin/(.+\.php.*)$) {
set $valid_fastcgi_script_name $1;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/$valid_fastcgi_script_name;

location ~ \.php$ {
# 设置监听端口
# 设置nginx的默认首页文件(上面已经设置过了,可以删除)
fastcgi_index index.php;
# 设置脚本文件请求的路径
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
# 引入fastcgi的配置文件
include fastcgi_params;




Software Developer (Volumetric Codecs) Wellington, New Zealand

Jobs8i wrote the post • 0 comments • 727 views • 2019-05-20 02:37 • added this tag no more than 24h


8i is a volumetric video technology company on a mission to enable people to experience human content and each other in the most realistic way possible through holograms. There is currently a lack of real human content in immersive computing, and we're solving that problem by providing the easiest way to create, distribute and experience human holograms that look real and feel as if they are in the same room.

Our proprietary technology transforms video from an array of cameras into a 3D hologram of a human that has true volume, and can be viewed from any angle, on any device in augmented, virtual or mixed reality. We provide developers and creators with tools to integrate these holograms and enable a broad range of immersive experiences and apps with real people.

Job Description:

Development and maintenance of our industry leading volumetric compression technology stack.
Work with our codec researchers to implement new approaches to volumetric compression.


5+ years commercial C++ development experience
Familiarity with 3D geometry and matrix maths
Implementation experience and theoretical knowledge of video or audio compression
Ability to write highly optimized code
A strong desire to write clean, maintainable code


Knowledge of 3D geometry representation and compression.
GPGPU development with CUDA or OpenCL
Experience writing shaders
2+ years Python development experience
submit your resume now to us!
life at 8i
  view all


8i is a volumetric video technology company on a mission to enable people to experience human content and each other in the most realistic way possible through holograms. There is currently a lack of real human content in immersive computing, and we're solving that problem by providing the easiest way to create, distribute and experience human holograms that look real and feel as if they are in the same room.

Our proprietary technology transforms video from an array of cameras into a 3D hologram of a human that has true volume, and can be viewed from any angle, on any device in augmented, virtual or mixed reality. We provide developers and creators with tools to integrate these holograms and enable a broad range of immersive experiences and apps with real people.

Job Description:

Development and maintenance of our industry leading volumetric compression technology stack.
Work with our codec researchers to implement new approaches to volumetric compression.


5+ years commercial C++ development experience
Familiarity with 3D geometry and matrix maths
Implementation experience and theoretical knowledge of video or audio compression
Ability to write highly optimized code
A strong desire to write clean, maintainable code


Knowledge of 3D geometry representation and compression.
GPGPU development with CUDA or OpenCL
Experience writing shaders
2+ years Python development experience
submit your resume now to us!
life at 8i


Ruby ivars are already pretty confusing to folk who are new to programming and I think this will blur the line even more. What do y'all reckon?

QuestionsShannon Miller replied • 4 users followed • 3 replies • 903 views • 2019-04-04 21:23 • added this tag no more than 24h



Jobsrush wrote the post • 0 comments • 673 views • 2019-04-02 06:54 • added this tag no more than 24h


Nature: Permanent or Contract Role reporting to Technical Director

Start Date: Immediate/ASAP

Duration: Permanent, FTE 1 year renewal or similar 6-12 mo. contract

Remuneration: Negotiable, based on experience

Location: Parnell, Auckland, NZ

About Rush Digital

Ok, so we just love design and tech and we ain’t afraid to show it.

RUSH Digital aims to be the best design/tech studio in the solar system. Join our growing team of 50+ (plus you), fun-loving, hard-working, results-driven, stone-cold-awesome designers, producers, engineers, tinkerers and thinker-er-s.

Use your skills to work on projects that include (but sure as heck, are not limited to): cloud, machine learning, deep learning, hardware, 3D printing, natural language processing, computer vision, mobile front-end, AR, VR, interactive 3D… Really, the list goes on.

Overheard in the office, on real projects:

“We can just use this convolutional neural network approach and remove the depth sensor.” - Engineering Team

“That’s a solution looking for a problem.” - Design Team

“There is no ‘I’ in team, no really there isn’t.” - Production Team


Check out this propaganda video, we swear it’s authentic though:

Job description

Alrighty! We’re looking for an iOS native whiz, with a serious interest in shiny new applications. You will initially be working on an app for one of NZ’s largest telcos to reliably bring media to the masses, and the sky’s the limit from there!

Skills & requirements

Excellent communication skills.

iOS skills: preferably 4+ years’ commercial experience building high quality iOS Swift or Objective-C apps using industry best practice.

Ideally, you know a bit about Video technologies like HLS, Brightcove and various streaming protocols.

Strong knowledge and experience with UIKit and the iOS SDK’s of past and present.

Experience with iOS Objective-C or Swift and the XCode toolchain.

Familiarity with mobile app CICD tools and workflows (you can probably explain how iOS code signing works in relative detail).

You are a master debugger, you’ve got a deep knowledge of the iOS ecosystem and operating system, and getting close to metal isn’t something you’d be shy about.

You’ve shipped apps, many times.

You dig agile development and you really know - and can show your experience with - the whole software dev life-cycle. You’re a start-to-finish kinda kid.

Documentation and communication (in-person, email, slack, carrier pigeon if need be) doesn’t scare you.

You need a reasonable opinion around here so you can share recommendations and alternatives objectively. Plus, it helps when deciding where to go for lunch.

You’re effective by nature - you like to move fast, you like prototyping, and you love validating and being thorough in all aspects of your day-to-day job.


Please email your cover letter and CV to [email protected] view all

Nature: Permanent or Contract Role reporting to Technical Director

Start Date: Immediate/ASAP

Duration: Permanent, FTE 1 year renewal or similar 6-12 mo. contract

Remuneration: Negotiable, based on experience

Location: Parnell, Auckland, NZ

About Rush Digital

Ok, so we just love design and tech and we ain’t afraid to show it.

RUSH Digital aims to be the best design/tech studio in the solar system. Join our growing team of 50+ (plus you), fun-loving, hard-working, results-driven, stone-cold-awesome designers, producers, engineers, tinkerers and thinker-er-s.

Use your skills to work on projects that include (but sure as heck, are not limited to): cloud, machine learning, deep learning, hardware, 3D printing, natural language processing, computer vision, mobile front-end, AR, VR, interactive 3D… Really, the list goes on.

Overheard in the office, on real projects:

“We can just use this convolutional neural network approach and remove the depth sensor.” - Engineering Team

“That’s a solution looking for a problem.” - Design Team

“There is no ‘I’ in team, no really there isn’t.” - Production Team


Check out this propaganda video, we swear it’s authentic though:

Job description

Alrighty! We’re looking for an iOS native whiz, with a serious interest in shiny new applications. You will initially be working on an app for one of NZ’s largest telcos to reliably bring media to the masses, and the sky’s the limit from there!

Skills & requirements

Excellent communication skills.

iOS skills: preferably 4+ years’ commercial experience building high quality iOS Swift or Objective-C apps using industry best practice.

Ideally, you know a bit about Video technologies like HLS, Brightcove and various streaming protocols.

Strong knowledge and experience with UIKit and the iOS SDK’s of past and present.

Experience with iOS Objective-C or Swift and the XCode toolchain.

Familiarity with mobile app CICD tools and workflows (you can probably explain how iOS code signing works in relative detail).

You are a master debugger, you’ve got a deep knowledge of the iOS ecosystem and operating system, and getting close to metal isn’t something you’d be shy about.

You’ve shipped apps, many times.

You dig agile development and you really know - and can show your experience with - the whole software dev life-cycle. You’re a start-to-finish kinda kid.

Documentation and communication (in-person, email, slack, carrier pigeon if need be) doesn’t scare you.

You need a reasonable opinion around here so you can share recommendations and alternatives objectively. Plus, it helps when deciding where to go for lunch.

You’re effective by nature - you like to move fast, you like prototyping, and you love validating and being thorough in all aspects of your day-to-day job.


Please email your cover letter and CV to [email protected]

Do NZ have job opportunity for hospitality graduates ? And when the visa process has done ,would I can apply for part time jobs online ?


QuestionsJiji Babu posted a question • 1 users followed • 0 replies • 999 views • 2019-03-12 00:24 • added this tag no more than 24h


Senior Python Developer Wellington - New Zealand

JobsWeta Workshop wrote the post • 0 comments • 721 views • 2019-02-19 09:15 • added this tag no more than 24h

Do you have a keen vision for data flow, intuitive API design, and clear UX? Are you motivated to use big-picture insight as a platform for top-quality code? In your visual effects or gaming career have you experienced the difference end-to-end thinking makes?

Production Engineering is responsible for continuously improving how Weta Digital's artists collaborate to create movies. If you have a robust suite of VFX software skills and a passion for seamless, intelligent design of multi-faceted tools and pipelines, we have the challenges and environment for you to thrive! Multi-tier servers with multi-language APIs; desktop GUIs; full-stack web; application integration; image transformation and interaction are some of our specialities.

We seek a collaborative, clever thinker with the following skills:

Top-grade, expert-level Python, with complementary experience in C++, Java, or Go
Skilled GUI development in Qt or the web (particularly AngularJS)
Command of database interaction (particularly PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch)
Basic understanding of Maya, Houdini, Nuke, Katana, or Shotgun
Comfortable working in Linux
Delight in a fast paced, constantly evolving workplace

If this sounds like you – we would LOVE to hear from you!

Location: Wellington - New Zealand
Email: [email protected]
Address: P.O Box 15208 9-11 Manuka Street Miramar, Wellington,New Zealand 6022
Phone: + 644 909 6000
Fax: + 644 380 9010 view all
Do you have a keen vision for data flow, intuitive API design, and clear UX? Are you motivated to use big-picture insight as a platform for top-quality code? In your visual effects or gaming career have you experienced the difference end-to-end thinking makes?

Production Engineering is responsible for continuously improving how Weta Digital's artists collaborate to create movies. If you have a robust suite of VFX software skills and a passion for seamless, intelligent design of multi-faceted tools and pipelines, we have the challenges and environment for you to thrive! Multi-tier servers with multi-language APIs; desktop GUIs; full-stack web; application integration; image transformation and interaction are some of our specialities.

We seek a collaborative, clever thinker with the following skills:

Top-grade, expert-level Python, with complementary experience in C++, Java, or Go
Skilled GUI development in Qt or the web (particularly AngularJS)
Command of database interaction (particularly PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch)
Basic understanding of Maya, Houdini, Nuke, Katana, or Shotgun
Comfortable working in Linux
Delight in a fast paced, constantly evolving workplace

If this sounds like you – we would LOVE to hear from you!

Location: Wellington - New Zealand
Email: [email protected]
Address: P.O Box 15208 9-11 Manuka Street Miramar, Wellington,New Zealand 6022
Phone: + 644 909 6000
Fax: + 644 380 9010

Are you an experienced Software Engineer with Python experience or do you have a similar background with relevant skills?

JobsWeta Workshop wrote the post • 0 comments • 661 views • 2019-02-19 08:30 • added this tag no more than 24h

Are you an experienced Software Engineer with Python experience or do you have a similar background with relevant skills? Are you smart, passionate about software engineering, web applications, communication tools, new technologies and providing high quality solutions to happy customers?

You will be joining the Information Systems team who look after all Production tracking tools at Weta Digital which are mostly written in Python. These tools support the complex and exciting nature of the VFX pipeline whilst also providing a performant and intuitive experience for all of our users across the company. You will be joining a team of 14, 9 of the team are developers who are spread across 3 small functional teams.

We offer the opportunity to work with other talented software engineers providing industry-leading tools in the world of visual effects and film. You will work with passionate, dedicated visual effects artists and technicians in an award-winning company dedicated to innovation and excellence.

Your Role Responsibilities will include:

Developing, maintaining and ensuring reliability of services, APIs and web applications
Understanding and implementing solutions for internal customers

You will have the following Key Skills and Attributes:

Python - preferred but will consider other languages
Postgres, MySQL or similar enterprise level database server experience
Exceptional verbal and written communication skills
Experience with software provisioning tools (Ansible, Docker, Consul - or similar)
Experience debugging low-level issues (networking, file-system etc)
Experience with developing on Linux
Ability to work under pressure
An eye for detail
Open minded and inquisitive - enjoy discussion and reaching a decision at the same time as being able to look at technical decisions with a critical and discerning eye
A desire to learn/improve/keep up to date with the latest technology trends
An eagerness to improve things

You may have these Desirable Qualifications & Experience:

BS/MS or equivalent in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Engineering or equivalent
At least 2 years prior experience in a similar development role
Experience with NoSQL and full-text search databases (Redis, Elasticsearch, Solr)
Experience in collaborating with other technical teams and technical clients
Experience with Javascript (React, Backbone, jQuery)

Location: Wellington - New Zealand
Email: [email protected]
Address: P.O Box 15208 9-11 Manuka Street Miramar, Wellington,New Zealand 6022
Phone: + 644 909 6000
Fax: + 644 380 9010
  view all
Are you an experienced Software Engineer with Python experience or do you have a similar background with relevant skills? Are you smart, passionate about software engineering, web applications, communication tools, new technologies and providing high quality solutions to happy customers?

You will be joining the Information Systems team who look after all Production tracking tools at Weta Digital which are mostly written in Python. These tools support the complex and exciting nature of the VFX pipeline whilst also providing a performant and intuitive experience for all of our users across the company. You will be joining a team of 14, 9 of the team are developers who are spread across 3 small functional teams.

We offer the opportunity to work with other talented software engineers providing industry-leading tools in the world of visual effects and film. You will work with passionate, dedicated visual effects artists and technicians in an award-winning company dedicated to innovation and excellence.

Your Role Responsibilities will include:

Developing, maintaining and ensuring reliability of services, APIs and web applications
Understanding and implementing solutions for internal customers

You will have the following Key Skills and Attributes:

Python - preferred but will consider other languages
Postgres, MySQL or similar enterprise level database server experience
Exceptional verbal and written communication skills
Experience with software provisioning tools (Ansible, Docker, Consul - or similar)
Experience debugging low-level issues (networking, file-system etc)
Experience with developing on Linux
Ability to work under pressure
An eye for detail
Open minded and inquisitive - enjoy discussion and reaching a decision at the same time as being able to look at technical decisions with a critical and discerning eye
A desire to learn/improve/keep up to date with the latest technology trends
An eagerness to improve things

You may have these Desirable Qualifications & Experience:

BS/MS or equivalent in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Engineering or equivalent
At least 2 years prior experience in a similar development role
Experience with NoSQL and full-text search databases (Redis, Elasticsearch, Solr)
Experience in collaborating with other technical teams and technical clients
Experience with Javascript (React, Backbone, jQuery)

Location: Wellington - New Zealand
Email: [email protected]
Address: P.O Box 15208 9-11 Manuka Street Miramar, Wellington,New Zealand 6022
Phone: + 644 909 6000
Fax: + 644 380 9010



JobsWeta Workshop posted a question • 1 users followed • 0 replies • 1029 views • 2019-02-19 08:19 • added this tag no more than 24h


Senior Online Services Developer

Jobspikpok wrote the post • 0 comments • 630 views • 2019-02-18 12:46 • added this tag no more than 24h

Are you the Senior Online Services Developer we’re looking for?

We’re PikPok, New Zealand’s longest standing game developer, and we make great game experiences. We want to create and entertain, while being successful and enjoying what we do, and we’re looking for people who want that too. Over the years, we’ve built loads of games for all sorts of platforms, most recently titles like Dungeon Inc. and Into the Dead 2 on Android and iOS. Our teams are small, and everyone involved can contribute to the decisions that shape the products. We’re always working to build and maintain a safe and fun studio culture. We’re looking for a talented Senior Online Programmer who loves keeping backend services running smoothly, while improving them and adding functionality. Game product teams are multidisciplinary, and we want someone who wants to work with them to bring success through collaborative problem solving. You should have lots of experience working with live online systems, and should be able to design your way to a solution - whatever might come across your desk. We welcome applications from diverse candidates and those with a range of backgrounds, skills, and experiences. 
You’re the kind of person who:
• Can see technical risks and raises them early. 
• Is a great communicator and listener, with strong soft skills. 
• Can work with existing server code bases, improving them as you go. 
• Writes clean, high quality code. 
• Understands databases, servers, and other related systems.
• Wants to contribute to building successful teams with good processes. 
• Accurately estimates work, and can adapt to changing requirements and timelines. 
• Likes collaborating with client teams to help them add features and understand backend capabilities.
We’re the kind of studio that:
•Loves making great games. 
• Cares about work/life balance. 
• Uses 1-1s and regular feedback rounds to understand your needs.
• Can be flexible around family requirements.
• Fluent in Python and web application frameworks (such as Flask or Pyramid). 
• Experience working on RESTful web services to be used by native applications.
 • Experience with SQL based databases.
 • Experience designing databases for scalability, reliability and long term ease of use. 
• Experience planning feature development.
 • Aptitude for learning new skills. 
• Practices good software design and architecture. • Strong communication skills. 
• Able to talk through problems and collaborate in system design.
 • Excellent debugging skills and practices. 
• Experience working with version control systems (for example, SVN, GIT or Perforce). 
• Must be eligible for NZ Visa. • Fluent in English.
• Experience with Redis, Pylons, and Celery. 
• NoSQL database knowledge.
 • Understanding of serverless development. 
• Familiarity with DevOps skills. 
• Knowledge of AWS and associated services. 
• HTML, CSS, JavaScript knowledge. 
• Familiar with Scrum/Agile development practices.
 • Some knowledge of game development, specifically C# & Unity advantageous.
 Please send your application along with a digital copy of your résumé/CV to: [email protected]. Additional contact details can be found below and by visiting us online at
 Phone: +64 4 471 2638 · Fax: +64 4 471 2639 
About Us:
  view all
Are you the Senior Online Services Developer we’re looking for?

We’re PikPok, New Zealand’s longest standing game developer, and we make great game experiences. We want to create and entertain, while being successful and enjoying what we do, and we’re looking for people who want that too. Over the years, we’ve built loads of games for all sorts of platforms, most recently titles like Dungeon Inc. and Into the Dead 2 on Android and iOS. Our teams are small, and everyone involved can contribute to the decisions that shape the products. We’re always working to build and maintain a safe and fun studio culture. We’re looking for a talented Senior Online Programmer who loves keeping backend services running smoothly, while improving them and adding functionality. Game product teams are multidisciplinary, and we want someone who wants to work with them to bring success through collaborative problem solving. You should have lots of experience working with live online systems, and should be able to design your way to a solution - whatever might come across your desk. We welcome applications from diverse candidates and those with a range of backgrounds, skills, and experiences. 
You’re the kind of person who:
• Can see technical risks and raises them early. 
• Is a great communicator and listener, with strong soft skills. 
• Can work with existing server code bases, improving them as you go. 
• Writes clean, high quality code. 
• Understands databases, servers, and other related systems.
• Wants to contribute to building successful teams with good processes. 
• Accurately estimates work, and can adapt to changing requirements and timelines. 
• Likes collaborating with client teams to help them add features and understand backend capabilities.
We’re the kind of studio that:
•Loves making great games. 
• Cares about work/life balance. 
• Uses 1-1s and regular feedback rounds to understand your needs.
• Can be flexible around family requirements.
• Fluent in Python and web application frameworks (such as Flask or Pyramid). 
• Experience working on RESTful web services to be used by native applications.
 • Experience with SQL based databases.
 • Experience designing databases for scalability, reliability and long term ease of use. 
• Experience planning feature development.
 • Aptitude for learning new skills. 
• Practices good software design and architecture. • Strong communication skills. 
• Able to talk through problems and collaborate in system design.
 • Excellent debugging skills and practices. 
• Experience working with version control systems (for example, SVN, GIT or Perforce). 
• Must be eligible for NZ Visa. • Fluent in English.
• Experience with Redis, Pylons, and Celery. 
• NoSQL database knowledge.
 • Understanding of serverless development. 
• Familiarity with DevOps skills. 
• Knowledge of AWS and associated services. 
• HTML, CSS, JavaScript knowledge. 
• Familiar with Scrum/Agile development practices.
 • Some knowledge of game development, specifically C# & Unity advantageous.
 Please send your application along with a digital copy of your résumé/CV to: [email protected]. Additional contact details can be found below and by visiting us online at
 Phone: +64 4 471 2638 · Fax: +64 4 471 2639 
About Us:


Senior Backend Developer

Jobssoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 633 views • 2019-02-18 11:12 • added this tag no more than 24h

Role overview:  

The Senior backend developer will be responsible for the development of cutting-edge technology which meets best practice guidelines and result in solutions that exceed customer expectations and are delivered quickly, with minimal technical debt

You will contribute developments to the core product family and supporting tool infrastructure . We are looking for detail focused engineers with experience in all major aspects of the software development lifecycle, from design through to unit testing and product maintenance. Good communications skills and a strong teamwork ethic are essential.

Soul Machines values our diverse, friendly development team. Our office is near the viaduct area, with lots of public transport options. We have pretty flexible hours, the opportunity for some work from home, and always put on a fancy Christmas party. 

Key Responsibilities:

Develop and deliver robust, well tested product features.
Contribute to the product design and feature estimation.
Contribute to product documentation and unit testing.

Essential skills: 
7+ years experience developing internet facing solutions and applications
Extensive experience implementing backend services / microservices in Node.js
Good Object Oriented design and unit testing experience.
Experience implementing and using HTTP / REST API’s
Experience working with a variety of database technologies (SQL & NoSQL)
Excellent verbal and written communication, and ability to communicate with technical and non technical team members.

Good knowledge of the AWS platform.
Experience with containerization of services.
Experience with WebSockets and WebRTC.
Skill with a modern browser framework like Angular, Vue or React.
Linux server management and deployment skills.
Other programming languages, particularly C++, C#, Golang, Python.
Any questions contact [email protected] view all
Role overview:  

The Senior backend developer will be responsible for the development of cutting-edge technology which meets best practice guidelines and result in solutions that exceed customer expectations and are delivered quickly, with minimal technical debt

You will contribute developments to the core product family and supporting tool infrastructure . We are looking for detail focused engineers with experience in all major aspects of the software development lifecycle, from design through to unit testing and product maintenance. Good communications skills and a strong teamwork ethic are essential.

Soul Machines values our diverse, friendly development team. Our office is near the viaduct area, with lots of public transport options. We have pretty flexible hours, the opportunity for some work from home, and always put on a fancy Christmas party. 

Key Responsibilities:

Develop and deliver robust, well tested product features.
Contribute to the product design and feature estimation.
Contribute to product documentation and unit testing.

Essential skills: 
7+ years experience developing internet facing solutions and applications
Extensive experience implementing backend services / microservices in Node.js
Good Object Oriented design and unit testing experience.
Experience implementing and using HTTP / REST API’s
Experience working with a variety of database technologies (SQL & NoSQL)
Excellent verbal and written communication, and ability to communicate with technical and non technical team members.

Good knowledge of the AWS platform.
Experience with containerization of services.
Experience with WebSockets and WebRTC.
Skill with a modern browser framework like Angular, Vue or React.
Linux server management and deployment skills.
Other programming languages, particularly C++, C#, Golang, Python.
Any questions contact [email protected]

Senior Full Stack Developer at Soul Machines [Auckland - NZ]

Jobssoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 642 views • 2019-02-18 11:10 • added this tag no more than 24h

Role overview:  

The Senior full stack developer will be responsible for the development of cutting-edge technology which meets best practice guidelines and result in solutions that exceed customer expectations and are delivered quickly, with minimal technical debt

You will contribute developments to the core product family and supporting tool infrastructure . We are looking for detail focused engineers with experience in  all major aspects of the software development lifecycle, from design through to unit testing and product maintenance. Good communications skills and a strong teamwork ethic are essential.

Key Responsibilities:

Develop, and deliver robust, well tested product features.
Contribute to the product design and feature estimation.
Contribute to product documentation and unit testing.

Essential skills:  

7+ years experience developing internet facing solutions and applications
Extensive experience implementing backend services / microservices.
Good Object Oriented design and unit testing experience.
Strong web application (full stack) development skills, in either C#, Java or GO
Experience implementing and using HTTP / REST API’s
Experience working with a variety of database technologies (SQL & NoSQL)
Sound Javascript skills, with some experience with modern browser frameworks like Angular 2, Vue or React
Excellent verbal and written communication, and ability to communicate with technical and non technical team members.

Experience with Go
Any questions contact [email protected]
LOCATION:Level 1, 106 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand view all
Role overview:  

The Senior full stack developer will be responsible for the development of cutting-edge technology which meets best practice guidelines and result in solutions that exceed customer expectations and are delivered quickly, with minimal technical debt

You will contribute developments to the core product family and supporting tool infrastructure . We are looking for detail focused engineers with experience in  all major aspects of the software development lifecycle, from design through to unit testing and product maintenance. Good communications skills and a strong teamwork ethic are essential.

Key Responsibilities:

Develop, and deliver robust, well tested product features.
Contribute to the product design and feature estimation.
Contribute to product documentation and unit testing.

Essential skills:  

7+ years experience developing internet facing solutions and applications
Extensive experience implementing backend services / microservices.
Good Object Oriented design and unit testing experience.
Strong web application (full stack) development skills, in either C#, Java or GO
Experience implementing and using HTTP / REST API’s
Experience working with a variety of database technologies (SQL & NoSQL)
Sound Javascript skills, with some experience with modern browser frameworks like Angular 2, Vue or React
Excellent verbal and written communication, and ability to communicate with technical and non technical team members.

Experience with Go
Any questions contact [email protected]
LOCATION:Level 1, 106 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

Junior Character Artist

Jobssoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 649 views • 2019-02-18 11:09 • added this tag no more than 24h

Role overview:

This role is for a Senior CG Artist with experience working with high quality expressive faces. We are looking for either experienced generalists or specialists with skills in realistic character modelling and/or animation and rigging. You will be involved in helping to create virtual avatars and anatomical models for truly groundbreaking technology. Qualified candidates must have proven experience in production environments, demonstrating an ability to create complex and accurate models from reference and scan data.

Candidates will also be learning and developing new proprietary techniques.

Key Responsibilities:

Modelling/Rigging/Animating/Texturing of Realistic CG Characters
Look Development
Supervising Junior Artists

Essential skills:  

5+ Years with Maya
An extensive reel demonstrating a wide range of some combination of: organic and hard surface modelling with clean and efficient topology, UV & texture skills, Character rigging and animation.
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, taking direction and addressing written and verbal notes with quick turnarounds
Ability to supervise junior artists
Experience with various CG tools such as Zbrush and Mudbox.
Thorough research skills, so that what is built is accurate to the real world.
Flexibility to perform in a dynamic work environment, able to compromise and take critique well
The ability to model as part of a team, to share assets, work to a high standard and quality check your own and other's work
Desired skills:

Python / Mel Scripting
UI skills
Rendering and Shader experience
Any questions contact [email protected] view all
Role overview:

This role is for a Senior CG Artist with experience working with high quality expressive faces. We are looking for either experienced generalists or specialists with skills in realistic character modelling and/or animation and rigging. You will be involved in helping to create virtual avatars and anatomical models for truly groundbreaking technology. Qualified candidates must have proven experience in production environments, demonstrating an ability to create complex and accurate models from reference and scan data.

Candidates will also be learning and developing new proprietary techniques.

Key Responsibilities:

Modelling/Rigging/Animating/Texturing of Realistic CG Characters
Look Development
Supervising Junior Artists

Essential skills:  

5+ Years with Maya
An extensive reel demonstrating a wide range of some combination of: organic and hard surface modelling with clean and efficient topology, UV & texture skills, Character rigging and animation.
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, taking direction and addressing written and verbal notes with quick turnarounds
Ability to supervise junior artists
Experience with various CG tools such as Zbrush and Mudbox.
Thorough research skills, so that what is built is accurate to the real world.
Flexibility to perform in a dynamic work environment, able to compromise and take critique well
The ability to model as part of a team, to share assets, work to a high standard and quality check your own and other's work
Desired skills:

Python / Mel Scripting
UI skills
Rendering and Shader experience
Any questions contact [email protected]

Senior Character Technical Director

Full timesoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 627 views • 2019-02-18 11:05 • added this tag no more than 24h

This role is for a Senior Character Technical Director to support the creation of Soul Machines’ Digital Humans. We are looking for a candidate that has experience in building realistic digital characters for film and games.  Responsibilities will include developing character rigs, supporting runtime deliverables, shader support, and automating common tasks. Candidates will be deeply involved in developing new proprietary techniques for creating next generation digital characters for real-time environments.

Key Responsibilities:

Drive and promote the highest quality of artistic and technical deliverables in the teams and projects they work on
Promote and mentor the growth of junior artists
Development of character animation rigs and techniques
Support of artist tasks in managing runtime assets
Become well-versed in workflows and pipelines, identifying simplifications where possible.
Develop tools, scripts, plugins to streamline processes.
Aid in the development of new methods for developing digital characters

Essential skills: 
3-5+ Years with Maya
Focused experience in the creation of character animation rigs for games and/or film
Experience with pose based deformation systems
Python / Mel Scripting
Experience with Qt based UI development
Basic understanding of rendering and shaders
Knowledge of performance capture pipelines, processes and data manipulation
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, taking direction and addressing written and verbal notes with quick turnarounds
Desire to explore and learn new techniques and approaches to solve problems
Flexibility to perform in a dynamic work environment, able to compromise and take critique well
The ability to understand artist processes and provide constructive methods for improving workflows

Desired skills:

C++, C# programming experience
Maya plugin development
Facial Rigging Experience
Any questions contact [email protected]
LOCATION:Level 1, 106 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand view all
This role is for a Senior Character Technical Director to support the creation of Soul Machines’ Digital Humans. We are looking for a candidate that has experience in building realistic digital characters for film and games.  Responsibilities will include developing character rigs, supporting runtime deliverables, shader support, and automating common tasks. Candidates will be deeply involved in developing new proprietary techniques for creating next generation digital characters for real-time environments.

Key Responsibilities:

Drive and promote the highest quality of artistic and technical deliverables in the teams and projects they work on
Promote and mentor the growth of junior artists
Development of character animation rigs and techniques
Support of artist tasks in managing runtime assets
Become well-versed in workflows and pipelines, identifying simplifications where possible.
Develop tools, scripts, plugins to streamline processes.
Aid in the development of new methods for developing digital characters

Essential skills: 
3-5+ Years with Maya
Focused experience in the creation of character animation rigs for games and/or film
Experience with pose based deformation systems
Python / Mel Scripting
Experience with Qt based UI development
Basic understanding of rendering and shaders
Knowledge of performance capture pipelines, processes and data manipulation
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, taking direction and addressing written and verbal notes with quick turnarounds
Desire to explore and learn new techniques and approaches to solve problems
Flexibility to perform in a dynamic work environment, able to compromise and take critique well
The ability to understand artist processes and provide constructive methods for improving workflows

Desired skills:

C++, C# programming experience
Maya plugin development
Facial Rigging Experience
Any questions contact [email protected]
LOCATION:Level 1, 106 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

Senior Technical Artist at Soul Machines

Jobssoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 598 views • 2019-02-18 11:03 • added this tag no more than 24h

This role is for a Senior Technical Artist with experience working with high quality expressive digital characters. We are looking for either experienced generalists or specialists with skills in realistic character modelling and/or animation and rigging. You will be involved in helping to create digital avatars for truly groundbreaking technology. Qualified candidates must have proven experience in production environments, demonstrating an ability to create technically complex and accurate digital assets.  Candidates will also be learning and developing new proprietary techniques in character creation.
Key Responsibilities:

Modelling/Rigging/Animating/Texturing of Realistic CG Characters
Help design and build the look, feel, and interactions of Soul Machines digital experiences
Drive and promote the highest quality of artistic and technical deliverables in the teams and projects they work on
Promote and foster growth of junior artists

Essential skills:  

5+ Years with Maya
An extensive reel demonstrating a wide range of some combination of: organic and hard surface modelling with clean and efficient topology, UV & texture skills, Character rigging and animation.
Comfortable working in an R&D driven environment where methods, toolsets, and pipelines are works-in-progress and constantly evolving
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, taking direction and addressing written and verbal notes with quick turnarounds
Experience with wide variety of various CG tools to perform texturing, rendering, compositing, and modeling tasks
Thorough research skills, so that what is built is accurate to the real world.
Flexibility to perform in a dynamic work environment, able to compromise and take critique well
The ability to work as part of a team and strive to a high standard and quality
Rendering and Shader experience
Experience working in Feature Animation and/or Game Cinematic pipelines/toolsets
Python / Mel Scripting
Desired skills:

C# programming experience
Experience with application and UI development for artist tools
Any questions contact [email protected]
or apply online : ... 92002
  view all
This role is for a Senior Technical Artist with experience working with high quality expressive digital characters. We are looking for either experienced generalists or specialists with skills in realistic character modelling and/or animation and rigging. You will be involved in helping to create digital avatars for truly groundbreaking technology. Qualified candidates must have proven experience in production environments, demonstrating an ability to create technically complex and accurate digital assets.  Candidates will also be learning and developing new proprietary techniques in character creation.
Key Responsibilities:

Modelling/Rigging/Animating/Texturing of Realistic CG Characters
Help design and build the look, feel, and interactions of Soul Machines digital experiences
Drive and promote the highest quality of artistic and technical deliverables in the teams and projects they work on
Promote and foster growth of junior artists

Essential skills:  

5+ Years with Maya
An extensive reel demonstrating a wide range of some combination of: organic and hard surface modelling with clean and efficient topology, UV & texture skills, Character rigging and animation.
Comfortable working in an R&D driven environment where methods, toolsets, and pipelines are works-in-progress and constantly evolving
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, taking direction and addressing written and verbal notes with quick turnarounds
Experience with wide variety of various CG tools to perform texturing, rendering, compositing, and modeling tasks
Thorough research skills, so that what is built is accurate to the real world.
Flexibility to perform in a dynamic work environment, able to compromise and take critique well
The ability to work as part of a team and strive to a high standard and quality
Rendering and Shader experience
Experience working in Feature Animation and/or Game Cinematic pipelines/toolsets
Python / Mel Scripting
Desired skills:

C# programming experience
Experience with application and UI development for artist tools
Any questions contact [email protected]
or apply online : ... 92002

R & D Software Engineer

Jobssoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 599 views • 2019-02-18 11:00 • added this tag no more than 24h

The role of the R&D Software Engineer will be the design and development of cutting-edge technology in the area of simulation, modelling and machine learning. The engineer will analyse current advancements in the field, identify areas of improvement, and design solutions for creating ground-breaking simulation and modelling systems. These areas include real-time and offline performance capture processing, the use of captured data to build models of general and movement and shapes, and the implementation of these models into client-facing software systems.
Key Responsibilities:

Design, develop, modify, and test software programs

2D/3D/4D capture of actors performing in single-person and dyadic interaction scenes
Process and analyse performance capture data to identify movement and shape patterns
Build various simulation and machine learning frameworks for modelling digital humans (avatars)

Develop software tools that aid in main project development

Development of pipeline software to improve speed and efficiency of processing
Visualisation software to aid in analysis of simulation and performance captures
Integration of tools into R&D software suite

Investigate novel work in current and related project fields

Researcher is expected stay current with the latest advancements in Simulation, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks using peer-reviewed publications

Liaise with R&D team colleagues for efficient development of modular software

Development of modular programs requires the engineer to understand the parts being developed by R&D colleagues

Communicate with manager to understand current project's role in the larger system

Development of modular programs requires the engineer to understand their part in the larger system
Essential skills:  

Strong mathematical and problem solving skills
Experience in physical simulation and modelling techniques
Experience with software development environments such as Visual Studio or Xcode
Experience with the Software Development Life Cycle
Good verbal and written communication

Desired skills:

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science or similar disciplines
Understanding of libraries such as OpenCV, Eigen, Boost, Qt
3 years experience with C/C++, Python, and Matlab
Peer-reviewed publications in a relevant field
Experience with Maya, Blender, Unity, Adobe Creative Suite/Creative Cloud
Any questions contact [email protected]
Apply online: ... 37002
  view all
The role of the R&D Software Engineer will be the design and development of cutting-edge technology in the area of simulation, modelling and machine learning. The engineer will analyse current advancements in the field, identify areas of improvement, and design solutions for creating ground-breaking simulation and modelling systems. These areas include real-time and offline performance capture processing, the use of captured data to build models of general and movement and shapes, and the implementation of these models into client-facing software systems.
Key Responsibilities:

Design, develop, modify, and test software programs

2D/3D/4D capture of actors performing in single-person and dyadic interaction scenes
Process and analyse performance capture data to identify movement and shape patterns
Build various simulation and machine learning frameworks for modelling digital humans (avatars)

Develop software tools that aid in main project development

Development of pipeline software to improve speed and efficiency of processing
Visualisation software to aid in analysis of simulation and performance captures
Integration of tools into R&D software suite

Investigate novel work in current and related project fields

Researcher is expected stay current with the latest advancements in Simulation, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks using peer-reviewed publications

Liaise with R&D team colleagues for efficient development of modular software

Development of modular programs requires the engineer to understand the parts being developed by R&D colleagues

Communicate with manager to understand current project's role in the larger system

Development of modular programs requires the engineer to understand their part in the larger system
Essential skills:  

Strong mathematical and problem solving skills
Experience in physical simulation and modelling techniques
Experience with software development environments such as Visual Studio or Xcode
Experience with the Software Development Life Cycle
Good verbal and written communication

Desired skills:

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science or similar disciplines
Understanding of libraries such as OpenCV, Eigen, Boost, Qt
3 years experience with C/C++, Python, and Matlab
Peer-reviewed publications in a relevant field
Experience with Maya, Blender, Unity, Adobe Creative Suite/Creative Cloud
Any questions contact [email protected]
Apply online: ... 37002

R&D Software Engineer | Speech at Soul Machines 【Auckland - NZ】

Jobssoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 678 views • 2019-02-18 10:58 • added this tag no more than 24h

The role of the R&D Engineer will work with other speech R&D researchers to design and develop interactive speech technology on Soul Machines' digital humans (Avatars).

The ideal candidate will have a research background or passion to involve in speech analysis (speech detection, speech recognition, speaker recognition, emotional speech analysis), speech synthesis (natural language processing, creating speech database), machine learning or deep learning for speech algorithms.
Ideally you'll have experience working with speech/signal processing with C/C++/Matlab/other tools, have a great eye for detail and if possible experience with Python/Linux/Java.

Key Responsibilities:

Speech/signal processing
Database management
Speech recording

Essential skills:  
B.E. degree in digital signal processing, Computer Science or related fieldsC/C++/Matlab/other toolsComfortable using OSX, Windows.Attention to detail.Able to carry out task efficiently in a timely manner

Desired skills:
Ph.D. degree in digital signal processing, Computer Science or related fieldsPeer-reviewed publications in the field of speech processingDeep learningPython/Linux/Java
Any questions contact [email protected]
About Us:
Soul Machines™ is a ground-breaking high tech company of AI researchers, neuroscientists, psychologists, artists and innovative thinkers; re-imagining how we connect with machines.

We bring technology to life by creating incredibly life-like, emotionally responsive artificial humans with personality and character that allow machines to talk to us literally face-to-face!

Our vision is to humanize artificial intelligence to better humanity.

  view all
The role of the R&D Engineer will work with other speech R&D researchers to design and develop interactive speech technology on Soul Machines' digital humans (Avatars).

The ideal candidate will have a research background or passion to involve in speech analysis (speech detection, speech recognition, speaker recognition, emotional speech analysis), speech synthesis (natural language processing, creating speech database), machine learning or deep learning for speech algorithms.
Ideally you'll have experience working with speech/signal processing with C/C++/Matlab/other tools, have a great eye for detail and if possible experience with Python/Linux/Java.

Key Responsibilities:

Speech/signal processing
Database management
Speech recording

Essential skills:  
  • B.E. degree in digital signal processing, Computer Science or related fields
  • C/C++/Matlab/other tools
  • Comfortable using OSX, Windows.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Able to carry out task efficiently in a timely manner

Desired skills:
  • Ph.D. degree in digital signal processing, Computer Science or related fields
  • Peer-reviewed publications in the field of speech processing
  • Deep learning
  • Python/Linux/Java

Any questions contact [email protected]
About Us:
Soul Machines™ is a ground-breaking high tech company of AI researchers, neuroscientists, psychologists, artists and innovative thinkers; re-imagining how we connect with machines.

We bring technology to life by creating incredibly life-like, emotionally responsive artificial humans with personality and character that allow machines to talk to us literally face-to-face!

Our vision is to humanize artificial intelligence to better humanity.


VP Cloud Engineering & Security at Soul Machines {Auckland - NZ}

Full timesoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 703 views • 2019-02-18 10:53 • added this tag no more than 24h

This is a unique opportunity to join Soul Machines at a senior leadership level and play a pivotal role. The role is to lead the cloud development and operations division of Soul Machines in designing, developing, delivering and supporting world class scalable and secure software systems.

Your focus will be:

A secure, high reliability, high performance network delivery platform and operating environments 
Ensure clear DevOps processes and supportive tooling are in place, are well understood and are consistently used
Ensure the smooth and secure operation of the Soul Machines cloud network.
Create and implement an effective SDLC process in cooperation with other key R&D leaders.

You'll ideally have:
10+ Years in a product driven development managers role"Hands on"  cloud product design and prototyping.Good experience across Window OSX/LinuxAble to mentor and develop other developersGood verbal and written communicationProgramming backgroundCommercial experience with Matlab and PythonWindows, Linux

We’re looking to people focussed hands on technology leader who can inspire others and help grow and drive a team to excellence. You would have a proven career in a product driven development managers role with "Hands on"  cloud product design and prototyping.

Help shape the future of human computer interaction
Any questions contact [email protected]

Level 1, 106 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
About Us:
Soul Machines™ is a ground-breaking high tech company of AI researchers, neuroscientists, psychologists, artists and innovative thinkers; re-imagining how we connect with machines.

We bring technology to life by creating incredibly life-like, emotionally responsive artificial humans with personality and character that allow machines to talk to us literally face-to-face!

Our vision is to humanize artificial intelligence to better humanity.
  view all
This is a unique opportunity to join Soul Machines at a senior leadership level and play a pivotal role. The role is to lead the cloud development and operations division of Soul Machines in designing, developing, delivering and supporting world class scalable and secure software systems.

Your focus will be:

A secure, high reliability, high performance network delivery platform and operating environments 
Ensure clear DevOps processes and supportive tooling are in place, are well understood and are consistently used
Ensure the smooth and secure operation of the Soul Machines cloud network.
Create and implement an effective SDLC process in cooperation with other key R&D leaders.

You'll ideally have:
  • 10+ Years in a product driven development managers role
  • "Hands on"  cloud product design and prototyping.
  • Good experience across Window OSX/Linux
  • Able to mentor and develop other developers
  • Good verbal and written communication
  • Programming background
  • Commercial experience with Matlab and Python
  • Windows, Linux

We’re looking to people focussed hands on technology leader who can inspire others and help grow and drive a team to excellence. You would have a proven career in a product driven development managers role with "Hands on"  cloud product design and prototyping.

Help shape the future of human computer interaction
Any questions contact [email protected]

Level 1, 106 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
About Us:
Soul Machines™ is a ground-breaking high tech company of AI researchers, neuroscientists, psychologists, artists and innovative thinkers; re-imagining how we connect with machines.

We bring technology to life by creating incredibly life-like, emotionally responsive artificial humans with personality and character that allow machines to talk to us literally face-to-face!

Our vision is to humanize artificial intelligence to better humanity.


GPU Specialist Compensation $80k – $100k Auckland · Full Time

Full timesoulmachines wrote the post • 0 comments • 645 views • 2019-02-18 10:48 • added this tag no more than 24h

Job Description

We need a solid GPU programmer to work on optimization, algorithm implementation and developing new techniques for technical prototypes.

This is a huge opportunity to work with in a cutting edge AI business and Interact closely with the Engineering and R&D teams at Soul Machines to ensure best possible experience on current generation hardware, and on determining trends and features for next generation architectures.

We need top skills to evaluate and understand latest GPU technology to develop new techniques for technical prototypes and internal R&D projects and tools. You'll also collaborate with R&D team members on computer vision, 3D rendering and GPU based optimisation techniques for specific applications. 

Ideally you'll have strong knowledge of implementing algorithms (e.g. machine learning or computer vision), 3D graphics and other GPU technologies, including shaders, shading languages and rendering techniques. Strong knowledge of C/C++ programming techniques. Experience in DirectX or OpenGL development a strong plus. Good communication skills required. Exposure to general purpose GPU programming frameworks such as CUDA or OpenCL.
 Any questions contact [email protected] view all
Job Description

We need a solid GPU programmer to work on optimization, algorithm implementation and developing new techniques for technical prototypes.

This is a huge opportunity to work with in a cutting edge AI business and Interact closely with the Engineering and R&D teams at Soul Machines to ensure best possible experience on current generation hardware, and on determining trends and features for next generation architectures.

We need top skills to evaluate and understand latest GPU technology to develop new techniques for technical prototypes and internal R&D projects and tools. You'll also collaborate with R&D team members on computer vision, 3D rendering and GPU based optimisation techniques for specific applications. 

Ideally you'll have strong knowledge of implementing algorithms (e.g. machine learning or computer vision), 3D graphics and other GPU technologies, including shaders, shading languages and rendering techniques. Strong knowledge of C/C++ programming techniques. Experience in DirectX or OpenGL development a strong plus. Good communication skills required. Exposure to general purpose GPU programming frameworks such as CUDA or OpenCL.
 Any questions contact [email protected]

奥克兰的Developer们,咨询一下 你们对GraphQL什么看法?

Questionsgreat replied • 2 users followed • 1 replies • 928 views • 2018-12-13 00:57 • added this tag no more than 24h


I am doing bachelors in computer systems in Unitec nz. I have skills but no experience. What oppurtunities are there for me in auckland?

QuestionsPrevost replied • 3 users followed • 2 replies • 1057 views • 2018-08-22 23:26 • added this tag no more than 24h